February 17, 2011


From our audience research we have found out a lot of different information to help us with the opening to our thriller. This information will help us by choosing the right target audience and the right sub genre of thriller.
From our questionnaires we found out that different ethnicities are into different films.  For example black teenager’s favourite genre of film is horror and their least favourite was romance. Another example of what our research concluded is that 15-24 year old Irish people visit the cinemas often and their favourite genre is action and also thriller and horror came second, they also hated romance and westerns.
With this research we also found out that Asian people from the ages 15-24 go to the cinemas often, their favourite genre overall was is horror and the least favourite is Sci-Fi.  We found at that people from the ages of 30-34 do not like the genre thriller because they don’t find it appealing and would prefer a different genre that has less violence.
After looking at these result it is clear to see that 90% of people from the ages 15-35+ do enjoy watching thriller films. Therefore this tells us that it is a good idea for us to create a thriller film opening.
From our research we found out that people would rather go to the cinemas then to download. This could be for a number of different reasons e.g. socialising, costs, or the overall whole experience.
Overall by collecting this information through questionnaires we have gathered up a great amount of useful help. This gives us a clear idea of what we need to be prepared for when we start to create our own opening thriller sequence.

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