May 11, 2011

Question 1 Evaluation

Question 1
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (I.e. film openings)

1. Title of the film
2. Location of shoot
3. Character introduction
4. Location setting up the basis of the story
5. Location
6. Titles font and style
7. Introduction/establishing the characters
8. Close up
9. Characters.

Frame 1
• Tile of our opening sequence SPLIT.
• Chosen because it is ambiguous and to the point
• When you read the Synopsis of the film you can see that it was chosen dude to the main character having a split personality
• Short and to the point like most thriller titles i.e. Psycho, Se7ven, Inception to catch the eyes of the audience.
• Appears sharply does not use fade in and out because that would make it seem slow where as sharpe cuts makes it seem faster and more thrilling.
• This does not brake the conventions of a thriller.
Frame 2
• The second frame is an establishing shot of the location of our shoot.
• We did our shoot in a graveyard. This suggests a quiet and lonely place where not many people visit.
• This would be typical of a thriller. They use rural and derelict places to make them seem scarier.
• Is in black and white because this is a flash back and we did not want the audience to get confused.
Frame 3
• This is a close up shot of the main actor’s eyes.
• We do not know who he is and we will not find out in the opening.
• This generates question in the audiences mind as to who he is and why we are seeing flashbacks.
• In colour with harsh lighting used so we can only see one eye. This works well with the title of the thriller.
Frame 4
• This is part of a flashback
• Shows us why the child is in the graveyard and where he comes from.
• This gives us and character establishment. The father and son.
• Father drunk- with bottle in his hand.
• Child runs away.
Frame 5
• A shot of a little church in the graveyard where the child runs to.
• This also shows us that there is no one around.
• Close up of the door is Frame 8
• This would be a perfect area for a thriller and doesn’t stray from the forms and convention of an thriller movie.
Frame 6
• This is Frame of one of the titles.
• White writing and black background
• These colours were used to show the MASSIVE contrast in colours which also helps form the idea of the big difference in the main actors personalities.
Frame 7
• Another shoot from the flash back
• This is after he has run to the graveyard.
• This frame is part of a small montage in of the boy while he was being angry and hitting everything.
Frame 8
• As previously said this is a close up shot of the church in the graveyard.
• This shot comes straight after the shot of the big church.
• It is like a sharp cut from the whole church to the door of the church. This keep the sharp cuts going and keeps the pace up.
• This cut and shot is to show the audience where the little boy runs to feel safe.
Frame 9
• This final frame is of a shot when the dad finds the son and starts to manhandle him.
• This part of the opening the music starts to get louder and louder.
• Till the final cut to the close up eyes where the climax on the music is.

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