May 13, 2011

My similar text analysis

Similar Text Analysis
Dawn of the Dead

The opening of the thriller film “Dawn of the Dead” starts of with red titles on a black background. This opening not only presents the audience with titles, but also with clips of what the film is about. The colour of the titles is red; this instantly gives the audience an understanding that this film is full of blood and gore. The title of the film is written in large letters on the screen to give the audience to impression that this is the title of this film. Also we see clips of zombies and blood everywhere, this shows that the film is going to be quite gruesome.

Whilst watching this thriller film opening, you hear the soundtrack in the background. This sound track is not normal music, it is more of screams and peoples voices. It goes really well with the theme of the film as this film is about zombies and infected people killing others. In this opening there are different shots appearing on the screen which disappear very quickly, it gives a snap of a shot on screen to show you what you will be seeing in the rest of the film. An extreme close-up of a man, who seems to be bizarre and has blood all around his mouth, is repeatedly shown on screen. Each time this shot appears on the screen, you seen the mans face in different positions. In these shots the sound has been manipulated to sound strange and unnatural, it makes the audience aware because the sounds he makes are very sharp and piercing. Voice over’s have also been used in this opening. For example you seen the person talking and then the image of that person talking disappears however the voice continues to remain whilst other shots and clips are being shown. This seems to be very effective as it is most likely to keep the audience on edge.

Further on in the opening sequence the soundtrack changes and also more shots are being shown to us one after another. In these shots we see cities and towns in hazard and danger, we also see zombie like people. This interests the audience as they would be keen to find out what goes on in this film because it seems out of the ordinary. The soundtrack changes to calm music which does not entirely fit the scene, however it seems to be peaceful music. This is interesting because it’s as if the directors and producers thought it would be a good idea to put scenes up with a complete opposite soundtrack to make the audience confused but keen to see the next part.

Throughout the whole opening, you still notice that the title sequence is still running in certain shots. This opening sequence has had a lot of editing work done to it; this is noticed by the way all the camera shots are put together. The colouring in all shots are different, some parts are brighter then others. Also to make it more interesting, the opening sequence has been edited so that the camera that recorded all the shots looks unclear and blurry, so it makes the audience not to sure of what is exactly happening. It gives the illusion that damage is being caused and you can’t clearly see what is going on in these corrupted areas. The Mise-En-Scene of these shots are placed all around America, this has been done to show that there is a certain type of deadly infection spreading around everywhere and sooner or later everyone in the country will be effected.

The storyline of this thriller starts to come together right from the very opening. This is because straight from the start you can tell this film is going to be bloody and horrifying. This film seems like a “horror thriller” because it is thrilling and scary at the same time. The audience can notice straight away that murders and horrifying killings will be taking place in the film because that’s the image you get from this opening. “Dawn of the Dead” seems to be a very thrilling and daunting film, the opening sequence of this film exposes the audience to quite a bit of information however it keeps enough for the audience to keep wanting more.

Question 7

Question 6

Question 5

Question 3

Question 2

May 11, 2011

Chosen Synopsis first draft.

Movie idea
Young male Jerry Gibbs works for a newspaper. In the last months the numbers of rapes have gone up. The police ‘say they are making enquiries’ but are not releasing a statement to the paper. Gibbs leaves it for a couple of weeks and 3 more rapes occur and he does not see why the police aren’t doing anything while this crime is rising and they are not connecting it
The last victim of what is thought to be ‘serial rapist’ is called Zoë Murphy. Gibbs is keen to find out who this rapist is so he goes to see Zoë. Gibbs and Zoë hit it off straight away and she is keen to help him find who did this to her and the others.
Gibbs suffers from headaches regularly and is uncomfortable within the presence of woman. He also suffers from flashback to his childhood. His father abused him and some things Zoë say triggers flashbacks.
Gibbs and Zoë try to go back to the night and figure out exactly what happened. Zoe is unable to help much because she thinks she was drugged. She remembers that she was supposed to meet her friend at a club. She takes Gibbs down the short cut she traces her steps and Gibbs suffers from one of his most serious headache through the film in the darkest part of the alley and has to leave he tells her that he will meet her tomorrow.
When he gets up in the morning there is a distressing message on the telephone from Zoë and a message from his boss at the news paper saying another rape has taken place and a women named Zoë Murphy went missing last night and he wants him to find out the info straight away.
Gibbs is now trying to find out what is going on where zoe is and who has kidnapped her and every time he gets closer to a Zoë he suffers from the flash back of what happened to him as a child and the headaches have become more severe.
When he find out something new he go’s the station they ask him to stop coming in they are on the case. The head lady on the case takes and interest into why he is so interested in thins and start to look at what they have on him. Gibbs keeps searching and desperately trying to find Zoë the lead police officers Stella He is clean however he was put in a child psychiatric home when he was 10 because of what his father did to him he developed a split personality.
She follows him and realises that it is him he cops on that she has figured it out and his nasty side wants to get rid of her.
There is a big finale
And zoe is saved and he is caught and put back in the mental homes.

FIrst draft Script.

Question 7 Evaluation

Question 6 Evaluation

Question 5 evaluation

Question 4 Evaluation

Question 3 Evaluation

Question 2 Evaluation

These are two pictures on scared little boys the one in black and white on the left is a screen grab from my opening and the one to the right is a movie still from the movie The Shining.
The frame from my opening shows a child squished up on the floor in a corner. He has just seen something and is scared. This is potrayed on his face. This is similar to the Movie still. The young boy in the the 2nd frame has also seen something he is terrifies of he is gobsmacked. We can see this better due to the shot is head on where as my frame is in profile.
My frame is set in 2011 the child is in tracksuit pants and a hooded jumper and trainers.
As for the the still of the movie the child is playing a character in the 1980’s so was wearing comfy clothes but they look smarter than a ‘chavy’ ‘ lower class’ tracksuit.
My clothes represent a child from nowadays. They wear for comfort not fashion. I think i portray a child from 2011 well with what he is wearing.

Question 1 Evaluation

Question 1
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (I.e. film openings)

1. Title of the film
2. Location of shoot
3. Character introduction
4. Location setting up the basis of the story
5. Location
6. Titles font and style
7. Introduction/establishing the characters
8. Close up
9. Characters.

Frame 1
• Tile of our opening sequence SPLIT.
• Chosen because it is ambiguous and to the point
• When you read the Synopsis of the film you can see that it was chosen dude to the main character having a split personality
• Short and to the point like most thriller titles i.e. Psycho, Se7ven, Inception to catch the eyes of the audience.
• Appears sharply does not use fade in and out because that would make it seem slow where as sharpe cuts makes it seem faster and more thrilling.
• This does not brake the conventions of a thriller.
Frame 2
• The second frame is an establishing shot of the location of our shoot.
• We did our shoot in a graveyard. This suggests a quiet and lonely place where not many people visit.
• This would be typical of a thriller. They use rural and derelict places to make them seem scarier.
• Is in black and white because this is a flash back and we did not want the audience to get confused.
Frame 3
• This is a close up shot of the main actor’s eyes.
• We do not know who he is and we will not find out in the opening.
• This generates question in the audiences mind as to who he is and why we are seeing flashbacks.
• In colour with harsh lighting used so we can only see one eye. This works well with the title of the thriller.
Frame 4
• This is part of a flashback
• Shows us why the child is in the graveyard and where he comes from.
• This gives us and character establishment. The father and son.
• Father drunk- with bottle in his hand.
• Child runs away.
Frame 5
• A shot of a little church in the graveyard where the child runs to.
• This also shows us that there is no one around.
• Close up of the door is Frame 8
• This would be a perfect area for a thriller and doesn’t stray from the forms and convention of an thriller movie.
Frame 6
• This is Frame of one of the titles.
• White writing and black background
• These colours were used to show the MASSIVE contrast in colours which also helps form the idea of the big difference in the main actors personalities.
Frame 7
• Another shoot from the flash back
• This is after he has run to the graveyard.
• This frame is part of a small montage in of the boy while he was being angry and hitting everything.
Frame 8
• As previously said this is a close up shot of the church in the graveyard.
• This shot comes straight after the shot of the big church.
• It is like a sharp cut from the whole church to the door of the church. This keep the sharp cuts going and keeps the pace up.
• This cut and shot is to show the audience where the little boy runs to feel safe.
Frame 9
• This final frame is of a shot when the dad finds the son and starts to manhandle him.
• This part of the opening the music starts to get louder and louder.
• Till the final cut to the close up eyes where the climax on the music is.

April 11, 2011

Question 4

Question 1

March 08, 2011

My opening sequence idea- The Confession

My original idea is based on an opnening to a thriller story as a part of my GCSE coursework in high school. Throughout the whole opening there will be a voice over of the woman (Katherine) saying that she is a good christian woman so she doesnt undrestand why these things had happened to her but without actually revealing what happened to her or who did it. She will then go on to saying how stuipd she was for being so naieve to
actually believing him but not saying how they lied to her. There is a lady sitting against a concrete wall which looks old and cracked but you will only see short extreme close-ups of scars and cuts on her arms and legs and her finger nails with blood underneath them. Then there will be shots of a detailed cross that has been scratched into the wall and a collage of pictures of jesus like its her shrine. Then, as the story develops, we will see a bride and groom at the alter looking into eachothers eyes and after around 6 seconds they kiss. We then go back

to the woman in the room and its and extreme close-up of her eyes with a cold look in them and her mascara has smudged and ran down her face like she had been crying. The camera will then zoom out slowly as she is now speaking and she says "Its ok darling for revenge is the sweetest thing. Father forgive me for I have sinned".

February 17, 2011


From our audience research we have found out a lot of different information to help us with the opening to our thriller. This information will help us by choosing the right target audience and the right sub genre of thriller.
From our questionnaires we found out that different ethnicities are into different films.  For example black teenager’s favourite genre of film is horror and their least favourite was romance. Another example of what our research concluded is that 15-24 year old Irish people visit the cinemas often and their favourite genre is action and also thriller and horror came second, they also hated romance and westerns.
With this research we also found out that Asian people from the ages 15-24 go to the cinemas often, their favourite genre overall was is horror and the least favourite is Sci-Fi.  We found at that people from the ages of 30-34 do not like the genre thriller because they don’t find it appealing and would prefer a different genre that has less violence.
After looking at these result it is clear to see that 90% of people from the ages 15-35+ do enjoy watching thriller films. Therefore this tells us that it is a good idea for us to create a thriller film opening.
From our research we found out that people would rather go to the cinemas then to download. This could be for a number of different reasons e.g. socialising, costs, or the overall whole experience.
Overall by collecting this information through questionnaires we have gathered up a great amount of useful help. This gives us a clear idea of what we need to be prepared for when we start to create our own opening thriller sequence.

Idea for a thriller film

My Idea for a Thriller Film
Aliysa Khawaja

As a group we have been told to come up with a few ideas for an opening sequence for a thriller film. My idea for our group work is about a woman and her four children, the woman is a single mother as her and her husband got divorced. The children never get to see their father as the mother doesn’t permit them to because of her past with him, therefore none of the children know who he is and they do not remember him as they were all too young when he left.

Then one day, one of the children goes missing and is nowhere to be found. The police are informed and they search for the child however they do not find her. No one knows whether the child is dead or alive. The mother thinks of everywhere her child could have gone however she has no luck in finding her. Then another one of her children goes missing, this time it’s her youngest son. The police get involved again however this time they start suspecting it’s the mother who has done something to her children. They suspect it’s her because of the stress of being a single mother with four children. Her other two children are then taken away from her by the social services and kept away just incase she had anything to do with these kidnappings.

The mother is then held in custody whilst the police try and find more evidence. She is no longer allowed to see her remaining two children. The mother tries to convince the police it wasn’t her however they have strong suspicion that it was her who had something to do with this.

The police in the end solve the mystery to find out it was the father of the children who had kidnapped the two children as he wanted them to be his but he knew that really the mother would not let him see them therefore he felt kidnapping them would be the best way of keeping his children. The children are the reunited with their mother and the father is sent to prison.

I think this would be a good idea for a thriller film as it is a mystery and it would keep the audience on their toes because they would be so keen to find out who kidnapped the children and where they were the whole time. Also this film would be interesting and attention grabbing.

February 04, 2011

Reserch into site of filiming

These are pictures of the Graveyard and room we are going to use for our AS Media Opening Titles sequence. This First photo is of the Mens toilet which we are using for the little boys sactuary. the place he runs too to feel safe. In our Opening we are not going to shot with the toilet in the shot we are going to face the other way and pretend it is jsut a room. i will take another picture of the layout we use during filming.
This Photograh is of the actualy graveyard that we are going to use for the pan to establish where the boy has run to. This also appear later in the 'Movie' so we chose to shoot here.

this was initionally where we wanted to record. but becasue i was trying to recall it from memory i didnt not relise this toilet was so small andwould not be able to fit a camera and tripod, cameraman, actors, and director and producer in. So that is why the Men's is more sutiable (first picture) and also the viewer will also no know it is a toilet.